Super Simple Router for React Without Any Dependencies
Here is some very simple code to render React components dynamically without using a framework or routing library.
It doesn't cover pushState and URL parsing, so in that sense it isn't a routing library. But it does let you render components from othe...
Written by Sean Behan on 11/16/2018
How to Reset and Clear a Form Field or Textarea with Stateless Components in React
Stateless components are nice. They are simple to use and understand but can become tricky when you start thinking about data and how to manage state. In general, the consensus seems to be that if your UI is going to need state, then at least the componen...
Written by Sean Behan on 10/21/2018
How to Read Response Body HTML with Javascript Fetch Method with React Native
In React Native you see a lot of tutorials and articles using the `fetch` method when interacting with `JSON` APIs. It's great for this and the the pattern looks like this
fetch(url).then((resp)=>{ return resp.json() }).then((json)=>{ console.log(json...
Written by Sean Behan on 07/17/2017
How to Find An SQLite Database with React Native and the iPhone Simulator.
I spent a few hours digging around my file system using `find` and `grep` hunting for my SQLite database that the iPhone Simulator was using for my React Native project. And no luck.
But I found a simple solution was to use `react-native log-ios` and ...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/29/2017
How to Fix xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer tool or in PATH
I just got a new machine and downloaded XCode. I used git to clone my ReactNative project from Github. I have everything ready to go. But when I run `react-native run-ios` I see
xcrun: error: unable to find utility "instruments", not a developer tool ...
Written by Sean Behan on 03/05/2017