I don't do much python development. I really like the language and there are a lot of great software projects out there for it. Tornado, for example, is a fast non-blocking web server in python, just open sourced by Facebook that is the engine behind FriendFeed.com.
I downloaded the source, available at, http://tornadoweb.org, and started playing around. It comes with a database wrapper for mysql. Using "easy_install", I suppose the python equivalent to gems, it goes something like this...
sudo easy_install MySQLdb-python
Nope :( at least not on OS X. Time to do it the hard way. Luckily not too hard. It just can't find the right path to mysql_config. Sound familiar? http://seanbehan.com/databases/install-do_mysql-ruby-gem-on-mac-os-x/
Anyway, here are the commands that worked for me...
wget http://dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/mysql-python/MySQL-python-1.2.3c1.tar.gz tar xzvf MySQL-python-1.2.3c1.tar.gz cd MySQL-python-1.2.3c1In the setup_posix.py file change
mysql_config.path = "mysql_config"to
mysql_config.path = "/opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin/mysql_config"Next install it with these commands
python setup.py clean python setup.py build sudo python setup.py installThat should do it.
Just finishing up brewing up some fresh ground comments...