Rails 3 Config Auto Load Paths in Application.rb
In Rails 3 files in lib/ are no longer loaded by default. It's a snap to auto load these classes by adding the following line to config/application.rb
config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/lib)
This is commented out around line 16. Either rep...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Link to jQuery Source from Google's CDN
That is the link to the jQuery source hosted by Google on their CDN. It's probably already cached on client machines so it should be as fast as is possible! You can read more/use other Java...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Uploading Files with Curl
curl -i -F name=test -F filedata=@localfile.jpg http://example.org/upload
Courtesy of http://ariejan.net/2010/06/07/uploading-files-with-curl/
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Load All ActiveRecord::Base Model Classes in Rails Application
Here is a simple rake task which will instantiate all of your Active Record models, provided that they are located in the RAILS_ROOT/app/models directory. Interestingly, all plugin models are instantiated by default when you run the task, for instance, if...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Hacking Rails Plugins
Using the Acts as Taggable On plugin to add categories to a model class, I wanted to override the to_param method and place the name attribute in the url. The plugin, installed as a gem, source shouldn't need to be hacked in order to accomplish this. The ...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Rails Paperclip Plugin Options for Attaching Files
I usually change some of the default settings when I use the Paperclip plugin. For most of my projects I don't like having separate directories for each image that is uploaded. I prefer, in this instance, to put avatars of different sizes together under o...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012
Manage Sinatra Server in Development Mode with Shotgun
Sinatra won't reload your files. So if you're developing your app and want to see any changes made in the browser, install the shotgun gem.
gem install shotgun
You can then use shotgun to run your server
shotgun your_sinatra_ditty.rb
Presto, your ditt...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012