Simple Way to Calculate the Odds of Something Happening
Here is a quick way to express a chance of something happening.
This is an example in JavaScript that gives you a 1 in 3 chance of being true.
[true, false, false].sort(function(){ return Math.random() >= 0.5 ? 1 : -1 })[0]
Basically, we popu...
Written by Sean Behan on 11/27/2017
How to Get a Random Item from an Array in PHP
Use this snippet for grabbing a random item from an array in php
$fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'carrot', 'date', 'elderberry'];
echo array_rand(array_flip($fruits));
// => 'banana'
PHP's `array_flip` makes the keys the values and the valu...
Written by Sean Behan on 11/10/2017
Ruby Rand Range
I assumed that rand would take a range as an argument. Something like rand(10..20), generating a random number between 10 and 20. Seems like you'd do this fairly often when working with random numbers and therefore, included. However, it doesn't work. But...
Written by Sean Behan on 06/17/2012